Friday, April 18, 2014

Going GREEN with Home Improvements

These days, everyone looks for ways to cut costs and protect their hard earned pay.  In the past this concept and green strategies were worlds apart.  Thankfully, times have changed, and keeping green in your pocket when instituting green strategies in your home can now go hand in hand.  Whether you’re looking to do home improvements or strictly cut costs, going green while doing so has never been easier. 

 Coloradans take pride in preserving the environment and maintaining its natural state.  From recycling to open space, it should not be a surprise that green strategies in your home should also take precedence when considering the environment.  These can be very small changes that are not only cost effective, but environmentally conscious as well.  Whether it's no VOC paints, that are better for you and your surroundings or the simple task of changing to LED light bulbs, which may be more expensive at the initial purchase but use 80-90% less electricity and last upwards of 100,000 hours; making environmental conscious decisions for your house has never been easier.

 With so many options out there, making green decisions can seem a bit overwhelming.  Thankfully, there are events out there like the Western Slope Home and Rec Expo.  If you happen to be in the Vail Valley and are interested in home improvements or ways to go green, the Expo may be just the educational boost you’re looking for.  There will be various industry professionals under one roof at the Eagle Fairgrounds the weekend of April 25th.  For more information you can visit,, and take advantage of this great resource in our Valley.